Memorial Day Weekend Book and Plant Sale

May 25 : 9 AM to Noon

The Friends of the Library are planning a big Memorial Day Weekend sale on May 25th from 9 am to noon. Usually, it is a book and plant sale. This year, it is a book, plant, puzzle, and fall auction leftover sale. I’m making them clean out the basement, so there’s plenty of loot to be taken! As always, the buyer sets the price–take what you want, and donate what you can!

If you have plants or seedlings to donate to the sale, please leave them behind the Library on May 23 or 24 in labeled pots. If you need some pots, there is a big ole bin of them behind the Library. Take some or leave some–they are there for your convenience.

We don’t want to be carrying anything off to recycling, so please come and procure some stuff!